In case you're wondering, the title is my lame attempt to spell out the theme tune from Space Oddesey: 2001. I don't think there will be another piece of familiar music that will encapsulate the grandiose nature of our hopes for the future. So why I’m employing it for my first blog is a mystery. After all, I’m writing this in my underwear, half cut, trying to add a sense of occasion to my meagre monkey musings. Ho hum.
I can't really lay out an agenda for my blog, it's mostly a forum to dump a few musings and opinions.
A Lady Guinevere like figure has just burst into my bedroom and proceeded to knight me, charging me with a holy task, which I didn't hear properly as I was busy wondering how she got into the building without a key card.
I guess i'll just start by explaining the name of the blog. 'Hurry up please it's time,' is a line from T S Elliot's poem The Wasteland. It's an old saying that landlords used to use to say that it was time to finish supping your drinks, but has a sinister, apocalyptic edge. Seems about right. Aside from saying that this will be poorly spelt and punctuated, I guess I’ll call it a half decent manifesto.
Keep it lefty
Nice work Steve! When we gonna get some more!